Holiday Travel: Why Parents Of Young Children Need Wills
Most young parents don't want to even think about the possibility of death and see no need for estate planning. However, if a tragedy struck and both parents of minor children were killed, the situation left for their loved ones to deal with is extremely complicated, expensive, and emotional.
Read MoreProbate Process In Texas Is Not That Scary: The 6 Steps Of Texas Probate
The thought of having to do a probate for a deceased loved one is often scary. Although the legal process can appear complicated, an experienced probate attorney can comfortably guide you through the process. There are 6 steps you will need to follow, including filing the Will, attending a hearing, sending a notice to creditors, and distributing your loved one's Assets according to the terms of the Will.
Read More4 Estate Planning Questions To Ask Your Loved Ones Over The Holidays
The holidays are a perfect time, while family and friends are gathered together (safely distanced, of course), to discuss whether your loved ones' estate planning and related legal matters are in order. It is an emotional subject to approach, but it is much better to be brave and tackle the subject than to avoid the discussion. Later regrets that plans which should have been made were not, will leave you with an even harder situation to deal with.
Read MoreQuick Response To Concerns About Issues With An Impaired Senior: Look At A Temporary Guardianship
A temporary guardianship gives the guardian the immediate legal right to make choices about things like health care, education, finances, and living arrangements of the Ward–but only as long as is needed for the protection of the Ward. For this process, you will need to provide substantial evidence proving that 1) the proposed Ward is incapacitated, and 2) the Ward needs a guardian immediately to care for their person, estate, or both.
Read MoreWhat Is A Small Estate Affidavit Proceeding And What Does It Cost?
In this series of blogs, I am outlining various different types of probates or probate alternatives to settle an estate and their likely costs. As I mentioned in the introduction to this series, the cost is predominantly determined by the type of procedure followed.
Read MoreThe Cost Of A General Affidavit Of Heirship In Texas
In this series of blogs, I am outlining various types of probates or probate alternatives to settle an estate and their likely costs. As I mentioned in the introduction to this series, the cost is predominantly determined by the type of procedure followed.
Read MoreThe Average Cost Of A Determination Of Heirship Proceeding In Texas
In some situations where a loved one passes away without a Will, you may need a determination of heirship in order to pass on their estate. If you find yourself in this situation, make sure you have an experienced attorney to guide you through the steps involved. Otherwise, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the process.
Read MoreHow Much Does It Cost To Set Up A Guardianship?
Guardianships are complicated and time-consuming. Unfortunately, they can also be expensive. The cost of guardianship will depend on the type, labor involved, and the specific situation of the ward.
Read MoreThe Risks Of Online & DIY Estate Planning
Many people turn to free online forms or online templates to complete their estate planning, rather than meeting with an attorney. Unfortunately, there are many unexpected consequences to online or DIY estate planning. These "cheaper" options can lead to your Will being contested, invalidated, or requiring extra expense to probate. It can also result in an outcome that isn’t what you would have wanted. When it comes to estate planning in Texas, working with an experienced probate attorney is the best way to ensure your assets and wishes are protected.
Read MoreCaution: Be Sure You Have Designated Primary & Successor Beneficiaries
Have you selected successor beneficiaries on your life insurance, retirement accounts, investments, and bank accounts? Now is a good time to double-check.
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